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Bring a Book

Many of the children around the world have never had a book of their own. As you explore the wonders of exotic locations with Classic Escapes you’ll meet many people along the way who will never have the luxury of visiting far off destinations. Many can barely afford the luxury of going to school or wearing shoes. But what they can afford is imagination, and good books can spark ideas and opportunities that can enhance a life. As you hand a child the first book they have ever owned, you are putting the world within their grasp. The Bring-A-Book Foundation is registered with Kenyan Charitable Trust, a group created as a way to facilitate traveler’s wishes to help schools by getting books into the hands of children as quickly and economically as possible. With the help of compassionate ground operators such as JH Safari, Rangers Safaris, Wilderness Safaris and CCAfrica, Bring-A-Book gives school supplies and books to children in Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Botswana and Zambia. Contact us for more information.


Classic Escapes gives travelers the opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of children. On most African safaris, Classic Escapes participants visit a rural school or community center. After meeting the head teacher or principal you will tour the school and have the chance to visit a classroom. Often Classic Escapes groups are welcomed with a song or dance by the students. Any natural or trained teachers can teach a short lesson if you arrange it with your guide before arriving at the school. You’ll find that children in the schools are eager to meet with visitors, practice their English. Learn about your culture and proudly share their own. For many travelers, these school visits are the highlight of their trip. These visits provide an opportunity for you to personally give books and school supplies to the children you visit.


After seeing schools first hand, meeting the dedicated teachers working under the most difficult conditions and children hungry for knowledge, many travelers have wanted to help the schools they visited or continue to support a child’s learning opportunities after they return to their homes. Bring-A-Book Foundation is an innovative effort adopted by Classic Escapes to expand education opportunities for school children all over the continent. After seeing schools first hand, meeting the dedicated teachers working under the most difficult conditions and children hungry for knowledge, many travelers have wanted to help the schools they visited or continue to support a child’s learning opportunities after they return to their homes. Bring-A-Book Foundation is an innovative effort adopted by Classic Escapes to expand education opportunities for school children all over the continent.


Travel offers many rewarding experiences: from exotic geography to new foods to new cultures and people. After seeing schools first hand, meeting the dedicated teachers working under the most difficult conditions and children hungry for knowledge, many travelers have wanted to help the schools they visited or continue to support a child’s learning opportunities after they return to their homes. Bring-A-Book Foundation is an innovative effort adopted by Classic Escapes to expand education opportunities for school children all over the continent. Toys are also appreciated but please do not bring anything that could be dangerous for small brothers and sisters who may share them.


The Foundation for Global Biodiversity education for Children is dedicated to ensuring that children around the world will be better prepared to make choices about how to protect and manage the natural resources on which their quality of life and their local economies depend. GLOBIO’s mission is to provide hands-on, interactive biodiversity education to the world’s children. BAB is proud to partner with Globio. Together, we are working toward increasing educational opportunities for school children in East Africa. This partnership not only provides a tax deductible opportunity for US donors, but doubles the efforts in providing children the basic tools they need for learning about their world. Your taxdeductible donation to BAB will specifically be used to buy school books for countless Kenyan and Tanzanian children in need and will assist in playing a Significant role in increasing their understanding of the value of biodiversity in the lives children. Globio works with Bring-A-Book Foundation to buy textbooks locally and at a reduced price through a book dealer in Nairobi. Books will then be delivered to schools on your behalf. Expanding a classroom’s library, or in many cases, actually creating a library of basic textbooks and books relating to the natural world will not only enhance a child’s education, but undoubtedly boost morale and plant a seed for stewardship of their local biodiversity. The Bring-A-Book Foundation is run entirely through volunteer help and from donations from people like you. Support The Bring-A-Book Foundation through GLOBIO by donating at http://globio.org/donate-globio-giving/


Consistent with our mission to provide exciting, educational, and fun-filled experiences that nurture and directly support the diverse wildlife and cultures we visit around the world, Classic Escapes has established the Classic Escapes Conservation Fund to ensure that a percentage of all profits go to support Bring-A-Book, and to wildlife researchers performing their critical work in the field. By traveling with Classic Escapes, you are supporting travel as a tool for building the mutual respect, awareness and understanding that are vital to preserving this planet for future generations.