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Environmental Policy

Classic Escapes realizes that we have social, cultural, and environmental responsibilities to the people who live in the regions we visit. We wish to respect and preserve both their environment and their way of life.

Therefore, in all of our business practices and decision-making processes, Classic Escapes strives to:

  • Protect the environment – it’s flora, fauna and landscapes
  • Respect the local cultures – traditions, religions, and built heritage
  • Benefit local communities – both economically and socially
  • Conserve natural resources – from office to destination
  • Minimize pollution – including noise, waste and congestion

To ensure that our responsible business practices extend from our office into the field, Classic Escapes carefully selects and develops partnerships with others who share our belief in the importance of preserving cultural and natural resources. This includes the ground operators, hotels, lodges, transportation companies, and guides with whom we work. We also engage each of our travelers in this partnership by distributing detailed suggestions on how they can reduce their impact on the local culture and environment while traveling.

Classic Escapes Conservation Fund

Our mission is to provide exciting, educational, and fun-filled experiences that nurture and directly support the diverse wildlife and cultures we visit around the world. In keeping with this mission, we have established the Classic Escapes Conservation Fund to ensure that a percentage of all profits go to support conservation and wildlife researchers performing their critical work in the field. By traveling with Classic Escapes, you are supporting travel as a tool for building the mutual respect, awareness, and understanding that are vital to preserving this planet for future generations.

  • Projects we have supported include:
  • Botswana Wild Dog Project
  • African Wild Dog Conservation, Zambia
  • Amboseli Elephant Research Project, Kenya
  • Save the Elephants, Kenya
  • Daphne Sheldrick’s Animal Orphanage, Kenya
  • Central Limpopo Valley Elephant Research Project, Mashatu, Botswana
  • REST (Rare and Endangered Species Trust)
  • Cheetah Conservation Fund, Namibia
  • Action for Cheetahs in Kenya
  • Botswana Rhino Relocation Project
  • Save the Rhino Trust, Namibia
  • The Charles Darwin Research Institute (CDRI)
  • The Bellbird Conservation Project
  • Travel Operators for Tigers (TOFT), India