Manitoba, Canada – Beluga Whales, Polar Bears & Flowering Tundra

Price Starting at $13,295.00

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When one hears the term “white giants” followed by the name Churchill, the image of a lumbering polar bear is conjured up in the mind’s eye. What is often forgotten is that this diminutive town rests on a spit of land that juts into the Hudson Bay, bordered on its western flank by a fertile estuary. In the summer, white giants of another sort frequent the briny waters in the thousands: beluga whales. After most of the bears have returned south, the lively leviathans congregate here to feast and to calve. These marine mammals are but one example of the myriad of fauna found here, which includes an astonishing array of birdlife and over 500 species of arctic wildflowers and boreal plants. Come experience the sweet surprise that is Manitoba.

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